Monday, February 24, 2025

Show Love

 Happy February!  

Valentine’s Day may have passed and is only a single 24-hour period, but each day provides a new opportunity to show care and love to others. Love comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. It may be romantic love between partners, familial love between siblings, parents, grandparents, children, or friendship love between good friends. Love can also be shown to neighbors in the community in simple ways such as holding a door open for someone, saying thank you to the mail carrier, smiling at people you pass at the store, or offering to help a co-worker with a project. 

I challenge you to choose 1 (or more) ways to show love to others and see the impact in your life. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

What Can I Learn?

 When adversity comes, your response matters. There is a normal process of coping which often includes allowing yourself to fully experience the emotions that arise in you and accept the true magnitude of the situation. In addition, allowing yourself to grieve is very healthy. While the word grief is traditionally associated with the death of loved one, it is helpful to recognize we grieve varied areas in our life. These may include, but are not limited to:  loss of a relationship/friendship, change in employment status, reduction or loss of independence, change in expectations, learning of disappointing news, physical or mental health changes, unmet goals, or canceled plans.  

Given the wide application of situations in which we are faced with and grieve through, it is helpful to consider, “what can I learn with/from/through/during this situation?” The answer may be buried deep inside or conspicuous at the surface, but it will be there. Discovering, exploring, and putting into practice what you see is hard work and may open the pathway for growing, healing, and strengthening.   

With your next challenge, adversity, or difficulty, I challenge you to search for what you can learn and see how you will grow. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Thankful During Adversity

 There are times when life throws curve balls. We get unexpected news, are given a concerning diagnosis, experience loss, or learn of a loved one in pain, just to name a few. While there are a variety of adversities, stressors, and challenges, we all can experience growth, strength, and gratitude during and after our time navigating the hard parts.  

Post-traumatic growth is a psychological concept that illustrates the path to growing out of hardship. I have selected one article to share some strategies to assist with this. 

Whatever you are navigating during this season of life, I hope you will view it as an opportunity to grow.  

Monday, November 25, 2024

Mindful Holidays

The holiday season is a common topic of concern for many people. This includes, but is not limited to: problem solving specific plans, concerns about seeing friends and family, financial stressors, food allergy/dietary worries, traveling exposures, managing childhood behaviors, or self-regulating our own emotions.  

I have included a few articles to read and consider as some helpful tools for having a joyful, peaceful, and mindful holiday season. 

24 Ways to Make the Holidays Kid-Friendly

Monday, October 28, 2024

Antidotes for the Four Horsemen with Couples

Having a healthy relationship with your partner is key for long-lasting meaningful experiences as a couple. It is very normal and expected for couples to have conflicts, as well as to feel a wide variety of emotions including, but not limited to, anger, sadness, happiness, excitement, guilt, pleasure, joy, and disappointment. Healthy couples communicate effectively, manage conflict well, show grace, and choose each other every day.  

We have a good amount of research focusing on areas of growth as well as elements that can lead to a relationship being unhealthy or ending. The Four Horseman represent four specific elements that are linked to relationship distress. These are criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling. Fortunately, there are antidotes for each of these that can protect your relationship. See this article that describes The Four Horseman and how you can self-regulate and improve and protect your relationship. 

I hope you have a long-lasting, meaningful, and joyful relationship! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Mental Health in Youth Sports

 It can be thrilling to watch your young athlete score a goal, make a touchdown, hit a home run, or win a race. Kids and teens can have loads of fun competing, training, being part of a team, growing individually, building a relationship with a coach, and challenging themselves. Parents can connect with other families, support their children, and model resilience. Participating in sports can be a wonderful part of childhood and adolescence. It can also present the opportunity for parents to experience intense emotional investment in their child’s success or failure, as well as demands for financial, time, personal, and family commitments. While your child (or you) may desire to become a professional athlete (and for some very, very select few, this is a reality), it is very important to consider the role sports participation has in your lives so that your child has a positive and healthy experience.  

Here are some articles with data and practical strategies for incorporating sports in your family life. 

Have fun supporting your little athlete!

Dr. Laura

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Talking to the Pediatrician About Mental Health

 As the school year is approaching, many families will be bringing their kids and teens to the pediatrician for well-visits and sports physicals. This is a great time to check-in with any mental health concerns and communicate them to your provider. The pediatrician can then make a referral to an appropriate mental health professional who can further help in the area of concern. Here is an article with some strategies to help youth share how they are thinking and feeling overall as well as some concerns to look out for. 

I hope this is a helpful resource.